MWD Chickel
Cheryl Friedman
Chickel MWD
Morris Animal Foundation is a nonprofit organization that funds science to advance the health of animals around the world. Since its founding in 1948, the Foundation has invested over $149 million in more than 2,940 studies that have led to significant breakthroughs in diagnostics, treatments and preventions to benefit animals worldwide. Please help me support advancing the health of animals everywhere by contributing to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your friends and family. Every dollar we raise will advance this great cause!
Ask how you can get involved, and together, we can make a difference in the lives of animals!
MWD Chickel is a very special military dog not that they all aren’t, but If you met him, you would understand what I mean. Kyle ,and.Chickel Served overseas together and he actually saved Kyle‘s life once . There are many many stories.Kyle, Knew that he had to bring Chickel back . I was chosen in July 2021 to bring back Chickel ,And reunite him with Kyle. It was a day I will never forget. I became very close with both Kyle, and CHICKEL and still am to this day. I guess you can say we are kind of family now ,and always will be. When I got the call this week from Kyle about Chickel That he had cancer, my heart sank. No… This cannot be true. We’re going to think positive ,and we’re going to enjoy every moment. I called the Morris Foundation As I have been donating to them since my dog had cancer as well. They are truly the only people that are trying to find a cure for cancer in our beautiful animals. If you can find it in your heart to donate in honor of Chickel, I know he would be very happy as well as the whole Johnson Family ,and the extended Military family I thank you ❤️
Learn more about Kyle & Chickel: https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/air-force-staff-sergeant-reunites-military-dog-79342866
Ask how you can get involved, and together, we can make a difference in the lives of animals!
MWD Chickel is a very special military dog not that they all aren’t, but If you met him, you would understand what I mean. Kyle ,and.Chickel Served overseas together and he actually saved Kyle‘s life once . There are many many stories.Kyle, Knew that he had to bring Chickel back . I was chosen in July 2021 to bring back Chickel ,And reunite him with Kyle. It was a day I will never forget. I became very close with both Kyle, and CHICKEL and still am to this day. I guess you can say we are kind of family now ,and always will be. When I got the call this week from Kyle about Chickel That he had cancer, my heart sank. No… This cannot be true. We’re going to think positive ,and we’re going to enjoy every moment. I called the Morris Foundation As I have been donating to them since my dog had cancer as well. They are truly the only people that are trying to find a cure for cancer in our beautiful animals. If you can find it in your heart to donate in honor of Chickel, I know he would be very happy as well as the whole Johnson Family ,and the extended Military family I thank you ❤️
Learn more about Kyle & Chickel: https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/air-force-staff-sergeant-reunites-military-dog-79342866