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@lilsophiepoo’s Gotcha Day Celebrations!

Sophie Kwarta

Lilsophiepoo’s Gotcha Day Celebration!

Hi all, it’s hard to believe we are celebrating another Gotcha Day with Sophie! April 6th marks the second anniversary of Sophie’s Gotcha Day. This year we decided to raise funds for the Morris Animal Foundation, we’ve left more information about them below, but wanted to explain more on why we chose them. As most of you know, Sophie has an older fur sibling, Bailey. He unfortunately was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer last year. We’ve learned how little is known for bladder cancer in cats and other terminal illnesses in general for our pets. We hope our fundraiser can help advance scientific discoveries and benefit the lives of animals in the future with more options for treatment & care.

Morris Animal Foundation is a nonprofit organization that funds science to advance the health of animals around the world. Since its founding in 1948, the Foundation has invested over $155 million in more than 2,700 studies that have led to significant breakthroughs in diagnostics, treatments and preventions to benefit animals worldwide. Please help me support advancing the health of animals everywhere by contributing to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your friends and family. Every dollar we raise will advance this great cause!

The Morris Animal Foundation has already completed one study regarding Bladder Cancer in dogs : https://www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/study/targeting-genetic-mutation-associated-canine-bladder-cancer . They also currently have an on-going study on toxic chemicals leading to Bladder Cancer in dogs - https://www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/study/investigating-cancers-and-exposure-environmental-chemicals. The more we can learn & understand the better we can help our animals in the future!


raised of $250 goal


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